Get coupons for AdWords, AdCenter and YPN for $400 by buying hosting for $60!
Also get .com domains from them for shocking low rates - only $7/year for .com with free lifetime private registration included!

Thursday, 23 October 2008

coupons for AdWords , MS AdCenter and Yahoo Partnership Network with 90% discount!!

It turns my favorite domain name registrar runs (or just entered) a hosting business, and offers a lot of coupons when signing for a hosting plan! By spending $60 (for Developer hosting plan, that costs $20 per month, minimum period is 3 monthes) one gets a coupons for advertising services for $475 ($200 for MS AdCenter, $100 for AdWords, $75 for Yahoo Search Marketing, $100 for CitySearch). One gets 5 domains names for free too, but in case you don't prolong the hosting after initial 3 monthes, your domains need to be transferred to other registrars; depending on registrar, they can charge you for 1 year during transfer; some of them won't though).

The only limitation is that one has to activate all coupons in 15 days period, but that's not a big deal, I think. So one can get $475 of advertising budget by spending only $60 - very nice deal!

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Creating animated banners in Photoshop seems to be trivial..

Tried to create animated banners in Photoshop, for first time. It turns to be very easy!! I never thought it was that easy (for people who know Photoshop basics, at least). Will compose a lot of them, and put them to AdWords..